Why Is Cleaning Important?

Wiping down my desk, disinfectants, wash my hands? Why is cleaning so important? Well believe it or not, the facts about how many germs are on the surfaces of your day-to-day objects may surprise you. Here’s a few facts just to fill you in…

  • 10% of people do NOT wash their hands after using the restroom
  • Elevator buttons have 40 times more bacteria than a toilet seat
  • Keyboards can have 200 times more bacteria than a toilet seat
  • Office desks are 400 times more dirtier than a toilet seat
  • Dust particles are 70% dead skin flakes
  • Telephones carry over 25,000 bacteria per square inch
  • The common cold accounts for 70 million work days every year in the United States

And that’s not all folks, the list of facts goes on and on. This is why for many businesses, big and small, janitorial services are vital to the success of your establishment and the overall wellbeing of your employees as well as customers.